Welcome to MCI and Beyond

In early 2021 my wife was diagnosed with MCI and I became her primary caretaker. I began looking for reliable sources of information to help educate and guide me. I found a lot of reference points and many were of high quality and educational. But I also found that they were scattered all over the place with no central clearing house that vets and shares the best of the best.

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I wanted to contribute by building a website that curates and shares the latest information about MCI and Dementia related issues. That’s what this website is about: to provide and share information to Care Partners of loved ones diagnosed with Dementia and especially those with MCI (mild cognitive impairment). My intent is to curate articles, books, videos and personal perspectives, a “Go To” for credible and timely information about Dementia and MCI.

My wife and I have joined the Cognitive Empowerment Program - CEP, (https://empowerment.emory.edu), a unique research partnership between Emory University with the Georgia Institute of Technology that provides people with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their Care Partners and families an opportunity to participate in comprehensive lifestyle programs that promote joy, purpose, health, and wellness. This holistic program has been a blessing, providing us with information and best practices from experts and an opportunity to interact with others on this journey.

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If you would like to offer any suggestions on how to improve this site or would like to contribute with content, please write to me at: mciandbeyond@gmail.com

Thank you,

Ronald Durchfort

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