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Neuroconsciousness: Boost your brain health and fight dementia!

Marco Aurélio Gomes Veado

1 min read

December 4, 2024

Neuroconsciousness, a field still little explored by neuroscience, will certainly bring many benefits to people's bodies and minds as it aims to enhance and modify the brain simply through breathing exercises. In other words, this practice will not only create protective shields against neurodegenerative diseases and other mental disorders but can also modify previously established patterns!

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Another role of neuroconsciousness is to explain how the brain creates and sustains conscious experiences by investigating the relationship between neural processes and subjective phenomena such as thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and memories as well as degenerative processes.

Neuroconscientiousness studies consciousness from a neuroscientific perspective.

By deepening knowledge about how consciousness manifests in the brain, neuroconscientiousness not only aims to answer philosophical questions about the mind but also provides a foundation for advances in medicine and technology, such as brain-computer interfaces and therapeutic approaches for psychiatric and neurological disorders.

New approaches

In a fast-paced, constantly connected world, neuroconscientiousness offers a powerful approach to improving mental well-being and potentially reducing dementia risks.

This emerging concept combines neuroscience and personal consciousness with ethical, mindful practices to foster greater self-awareness and cognitive health.

By adopting neuroconscientious practices, individuals can actively:

1 - strengthen cognitive resilience

2- regulate emotional responses

3- support mental clarity—factors crucial for mitigating dementia risks and slowing its progression.

Breathing Exercises

Neuroconscientiousness aims to enhance and modify the brain through something as simple as breathing exercises.

This practice can not only build protective shields against neurodegenerative diseases and other mental disorders but also modify established patterns!

A morning breathing exercise can alter various mental patterns that will positively impact the brain as a whole.

This natural remedy for starting your day is recommended for everyone, including individuals with dementia and other conditions.

1 - Take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and release it slowly, imagining your brain being energized with a revitalizing and protective force. 2- Repeat this process three times. Do it every morning.

The "message" of neuroconscientiousness is quite simple and direct: let the power of the mind strengthen and invigorate your brain. In other words, neuroconscientiousness can be seen as a kind of "well-directed neuroplasticity."

4 Key Questions in Neuroconscientiousness

1. How does consciousness arise?

Scientists investigate which brain areas and networks are associated with conscious perception. One goal is to understand how specific activities in the cerebral cortex and other structures correlate with being "conscious" or "unconscious."

2. States of consciousness

Neuroconscientiousness also explores different states of consciousness, such as sleep, coma, dreaming, and altered states induced by meditation or psychedelic substances. Each state is marked by specific brain activity patterns.

3. Mind-brain correlation

This field seeks to uncover the mechanisms that enable thoughts, memories, and emotions to be processed and felt, tackling the "hard problem of consciousness" — understanding how and why physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences.

4. Clinical applications:

Neuroconscientiousness has practical relevance, contributing to treatments for consciousness disorders like coma and vegetative states. It also explores therapies for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which impact cognition and consciousness.


Neuroconscientiousness provides a proactive, ethical approach to brain health, fostering resilience and mindfulness that can help prevent or slow the progression of dementia. With its emphasis on self-awareness, empathy, and cognitive stimulation, neuroconscientiousness is a valuable tool in the pursuit of a healthier, more mindful life—offering a natural pathway to preserve cognitive health well into old age.

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